Zhang Jun: Research on the reform of Higher Education Talent training driven by digitization

In today's world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and digital transformation is reshaping society, labor market and future development patterns。Compared with the digital transformation of other industries, the digital transformation of higher education is not only reflected in the innovation at the technical level, but also becomes an important engine leading the development and change of higher education, and more deeply touches on the fundamental reform of the education system and strategy。To further promote the digital transformation of higher education is not only the key to seize the strategic opportunities of new fields and new tracks and achieve corner overtaking, but also a key move to seize the commanding heights in the global scientific and technological competition and talent competition。习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第五次集体学习时强调,"Digitization of education is an important breakthrough to open up a new track for our country's development of education and shape new advantages of it.",It has indicated the direction of higher education reform and development in the new era of our country,That is, digital transformation is the key to help improve the quality of college talent training。concretely,The digital transformation of higher education involves many aspects,At present, the focus of the transformation is to further implement the fundamental task of establishing virtues and cultivating people,Focus on comprehensively improving talent training ability,We will comprehensively promote all-round and deep-seated changes in educational concepts, resources, environment and models,The education digital transformation drives the reform of college talent training to advance in depth,We will help build a new paradigm for cultivating talents with Chinese characteristics。

1. To accurately evaluate the opportunities and challenges of digital development in higher education

In the face of the digital wave, countries around the world have continuously strengthened the top-level design in combination with their own characteristics and realities, and carried out systematic and forward-looking strategic planning and layout for the digitalization of higher education。The United States attaches great importance to the application of digital technology in education, and has issued six rounds of National Education Technology Plans from 1996 to 2017, continuously promoting the rapid development of digital transformation in higher education。The EU encourages higher education institutions to promote digital education,Release the Digital Education Action Plan 2018 in 2018;The digital development of higher education in the UK leads the world,A series of top-level plans such as the "JISC2010-2012 Strategy" have been formulated;Germany launched its education strategy for a "digital knowledge society" in 2016,In 2019, a "Digital Pact" was developed to plan the school's digital transformation policy。In recent years,China has also initially explored a road of digital development of education with Chinese characteristics,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China included "Promoting the digitalization of education" in the report for the first time;The Ministry of Education proposed "Implementation of the National Education Digitization Strategy Action" at the 2022 National Education Work Conference,We will build a national public service platform for smart education, deepen the application of big data in education, accelerate the improvement of education information infrastructure, and strengthen open cooperation in smart education,Constantly promote the digitization of education in our country to realize leapfrog development。On the new track of education digitization, China's higher education has achieved new progress in the development of high-quality resources from a small to a large, learning scale from small to large, and application level from simple to deep, and has achieved remarkable results in improving the quality of education, promoting the learning revolution, and responding to the challenges of the epidemic。

The rapid development of digital technology has brought unprecedented opportunities for higher education reform, not only from the clear guidance at the policy level, the strong impetus of technological progress, but also from the urgent need of society for educational innovation。From the perspective of technological power, the development and evolution of digital technology has rapidly promoted the transformation of production methods, the reconstruction of industrial structure, and the reform of governance methods, bringing a series of revolutionary changes to mankind and society。The scientific and technological revolution is bound to be deeply intertwined with the development of education,The deep integration of digital technology, the gradual improvement of digital infrastructure and the increasingly mature application level of digital technology,Is reshaping the new era of education, especially the form of higher education,It lays a solid foundation for the digital transformation of higher education,Inject strong impetus into the in-depth development of the connotation of higher education, the expansion of the model, and the efficient improvement of quality。From the perspective of actual demand, the changes of The Times put forward new and higher requirements for talent training, and digitalization has become an urgent need for the new development pattern of higher education。The traditional "homogenization" and "assembly line" higher education model has been unable to meet the training needs of compound talents in the new era, and it is urgent to promote the transformation of knowledge imparts education to ability training education with the help of digitalization。With the popularization of higher education, educational quality standards tend to be diversified, learning forms tend to be lifelong, personnel training tends to be personalized, and governance needs are more modern。Therefore, the use of digital means to promote the renewal of educational ideas and the transformation of educational models has become the key to enabling the high-quality development of higher education。

With the rapid development and deep application of digital technologies, higher education faces a series of complex and multi-dimensional challenges on the road to digital transformation, and at least three areas are not well prepared。

Digital thinking and ability need to be improved。The combination of digitalization and education is not only a simple superposition at the technical level, but also a process of comprehensive reconstruction and innovation of education concepts and models, and fundamental reshaping of education ecosystem。Digital technology is evolving rapidly,The lack of digital thinking and the dependence on the traditional path will directly restrict and block the further development of digital higher education,Many college administrators and teachers are not numerically literate,It is also difficult to quickly change the inherent vision and habitual thinking mode,It is difficult to become proficient with emerging digital technologies,And build a new teaching paradigm based on it。

Digital infrastructure still needs to be upgraded。Digital infrastructure is the prerequisite to promote the digital development of higher education, and directly determines the development level of higher education digital。In recent years, China has continued to accelerate the layout and construction of digital infrastructure, but there are still problems such as key core technologies being controlled by people, low quality of data elements, poor sharing, unbalanced and inadequate development of digital infrastructure between regions, urban and rural areas, and inter-university, and the foundation of digital higher education is still not solid。

Digital institutions and mechanisms need to be improved。The comprehensive penetration of emerging digital technologies has brought about subversive changes in the way of life, learning and teaching, and directly led to the marginal failure of the current system mechanism. Many previously feasible systems have been mismatched and unsuitable in the digital era。In order to promote the digital transformation of higher education, there is still a relative lack of new institutions and mechanisms, which directly affects the depth and breadth of higher education digitalization and restricts the safe and orderly development of higher education digitalization。

Second, deeply grasp the connotation and characteristics of digitization of higher education

Throughout the course of modernization of human society, higher education has always been in a leading position。Higher education should accurately grasp the new trends and new missions of the digital era, promote comprehensive and thorough digital transformation at the same time, build a higher level of education system and ecology, and provide a strong driving force for the connotation of quality improvement with digital transformation。To grasp the connotation and characteristics of digitization of higher education, it is necessary to clarify the value purports, implementation subjects, target directions and realization paths, and answer the questions of "for what", "by whom", "what goals" and "how to promote" respectively。

The digitization of higher education takes moral cultivation as its value purport。To cultivate morality and cultivate people is the fundamental task of higher education. To promote the digitization of higher education, the ultimate goal is to better answer the fundamental question of education: "What people to cultivate, how to cultivate people, and for whom to cultivate people"。In the digital era, higher education should pay more attention to people-oriented, open and sharing, high quality and efficiency, and all-round development, and constantly return to the conformal development road with the comprehensive and sustainable development of people as the fundamental purpose。Persist in using digital means to reshape the way of higher education,Driven by big data and intelligent computing,Through human-machine interaction, data sharing, knowledge interconnection,Plan a personalized learning path,Create a modern teaching and research environment suitable for learning and teaching,Let students' learn better ',Teachers' teach better ',Schools' better management ' 'Better service',Effectively meet the needs of high-quality learning anytime, anywhere,Continuously improve the efficiency and level of teachers and students in carrying out learning and scientific research activities。

The digitalization of higher education is driven by system change。The digital transformation of higher education is embodied in promoting the development of universities from "industrial age form" to "digital age form"。In the school space,From physical space to the integration of physical and "cyber space";In the teaching mode,From modular and standardized knowledge inheritance to personalized and precise knowledge innovation;In the teaching scene,From passive and single traditional teaching to immersive, interactive, scenario-based and game-based multi-agent participation;In the form of teaching,Taught from the teachers' fixed classrooms within the walls,Gradually developed into teaching resources in the cloud knowledge platform dissemination。Digitization of higher education should become an important engine for colleges and universities to promote high-quality development. By creating a digital field with characteristics, scale and technical content, a diversified development environment is formed that is more in line with the inherent laws of talent training, discipline construction, scientific research and innovation。

The digitalization of higher education requires improved governance。The strategic action of education digitization is an important project facing the future and keeping the innovation,From the digital technology integration, deep application of the transformation stage,To the transformation stage of higher education self-innovation and overall improvement,And then to the intellectual stage where higher education completes the reinvention and breaks down boundaries,Its main line is to make full use of the new generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence,We will promote the restructuring of the structure and form of higher education,We will accelerate the integrated development of education, science and technology, and human resources。To promote the digitization of higher education, the key is to strengthen demand traction, promote big data to empower education and teaching, and enhance public service capabilities。The premise is to improve the new infrastructure, on the one hand, grasp the national smart education platform as a forerunning chess and an important starting point, comprehensively optimize the supply of digital resources, consolidate and expand the digital application, on the other hand, build smart classrooms and smart classrooms, consolidate the digital base, and firmly support the bottom。The foundation is to improve the standard and normative system, explore the establishment of standards and norms in resources, data, applications, platforms, literacy and safety, and run standardization through the whole digital process。The focus is on promoting innovation pilot demonstrations, strengthening demonstration, promoting a number of good ideas, good methods and good scenarios to be tried first, exploring synergies with the construction of digital government, opening up difficult points, and accumulating typical experiences that can be replicated and promoted。

Third, the digital transformation of education to drive the reform of college talent training

Promoting digitization of higher education is a complex systematic project,We must strengthen forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout and overall promotion,First of all, we should focus on the fundamental and compelling issues,Assume the responsibility of The Times for the development of higher education,That is, the task of personnel training,The "Full plate is alive" that drives the comprehensive breakthrough of high-quality development with the "key destination",To drive the integrated development of education, science and technology and talents,Accelerated potential。

1. Focus on value shaping and promote the digitalization of ideological and political structure

Value shaping is an important advantage of higher education in our country. Through promoting digital transformation, we can continuously improve quality and enhance the appeal of education。紧紧围绕学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想这一主线,聚焦入脑入心,坚持红色浸润,依托互联网、大数据、人工智能等新兴技术,拓展思政教育的内容、形式和载体,让思政教育鲜活起来,提升其吸引力与感召力。First, focus on creating an "immersive" ideological and political space。Meta-universe, virtual reality and other technologies to break the limitations of time and space to support the construction of "ubiquitous" ideological and political education environment。Beijing Institute of Technology organized students to "cloud study" Yan 'an Red venues, without leaving the campus to visit the old revolutionary site and red venues。The second is to strive to innovate "virtual" ideological and political courses。Explore the innovative path of ideological and political education in the new era, deeply integrate the teaching content of ideological and political courses with modern technology, and promote "value activation" with digital technology。Beijing Institute of Technology through the construction of the national college ideological and political course virtual simulation experience teaching center,Using virtual reality technology to create a "digital man" Xu Teli,Develop fictitious course resources such as "Great Expedition" and "Thirteen Years in Yan 'an",Realize immersive teaching,Allow students to integrate ideological and political education with knowledge learning in an immersive experience。The third is to actively cultivate the "integrated" ideological and political platform。Big data technology provides technical support and data support for better driving the precise governance of ideological and political education with stronger insight discovery, process optimization and decision support。It is necessary to establish a unified data center for teachers and students, connect the data islands on campus and between schools, strengthen the application of intelligent computing technology, dynamically track the ideological dynamics and psychological states of teachers and students, strengthen process evaluation and personalized push, and vigorously improve the precision, scientific and efficient level of ideological and political work of teachers and students。

2. Focus on knowledge cultivation and promote the digitization of training system

Knowledge education is the core function of higher education. We should promote the digital transformation to improve the quality of knowledge education supply in colleges and universities, expand the radiation and coverage of high-quality educational resources, and realize the full potential and optimal allocation of the high-quality educational resources in our country。

Highlight the whole system and promote the transformation of teaching "scene" to education "ecology"。Strive to build a "five-dimensional education" composed of three dimensions of space, one dimension of time and one dimension of knowledge,Three-dimensional in space,Based on intelligent networking technology,We will gradually promote the online introduction of famous teachers and courses,Standardize online teaching,Create flipped classroom,Building smart connected classrooms,Rebuild the relationship of "man - machine - thing - environment" with people as the center,Promote the realization of education space everywhere, everywhere can learn;In time dimension,Through virtual teachers, virtual classrooms, virtual teaching equipment,Change the interaction between people and classes,Enable students to interact with the elements of the curriculum at all times,They can also identify with their peers in the world,Promote the realization of ubiquitous, efficient and always learnable learning space;One-dimensional in knowledge,Knowledge-based graph,Connect students' knowledge elements, knowledge chains and knowledge areas,Map to knowledge space,Achieve mutual learning, integration and linkage of knowledge,Break down disciplinary barriers,Create knowledge with knowledge,Promote the realization of a knowledge system that is knowledge-driven and accessible to all。Beijing Institute of Technology has built a digital education platform with the "Music learning Platform" as the core, strengthening the teaching of famous teachers, intellectual connection and integration, education and innovation, and realizing the mutual learning and mutual promotion of wisdom among groups。

Highlight the whole elements, promote the subject "teaching material" to professional "teaching environment" transformation。On the one hand,Focus on building an "educational meta-universe",Deepen the close interaction between "teaching" and "learning",Strengthen knowledge graph, large model and other technology drive,Carry out intelligent teaching research and teaching reform such as professional construction and training program revision,We will further promote the reform of teaching models and innovation in teaching methods,To provide students with knowledge navigation, personalized recommendation and other intelligent learning mode。On the other hand,It will further strengthen the comprehensive learning environment that integrates online and offline, integrates pre-class, in-class and after-class, and combines formal learning with instant learning,Create a learning space that runs through students' knowledge acquisition, consolidation and innovation,Integrate teaching methods, resources and evaluation mechanisms,Fuzzy teaching boundary,Truly realize "learning everywhere";Use virtual and augmented reality, hologram, digital people and many other educational innovations,Carry out activities such as role playing and story interaction,The gamification features of enhanced learning,Enrich situational presuppositions and value incentives,Mobilize students' participation in learning practice,Complete the learning practice efficiently,Let students love learning more, more confident。

Highlight the whole process, and promote the transformation of "flood irrigation" to "precise drip irrigation"。Pay attention to the analysis of top talent growth factors and paths, improve the personalization, precision and wisdom of learning, and achieve flexible selection, flexible training and flexible growth。Promote the "four-spectrum integration" of literacy map, knowledge Map, ability map and Quality Map,Around "virtue",Literacy Map as a "portrait",Guide students to strengthen value building,Cultivate the sense of responsibility;Around "wisdom",Using Knowledge Graph as a "portrait",Promote the analysis and reconstruction of the existing professional knowledge system,Expand the breadth, depth and viscosity of knowledge cultivation;Around "can",Ability Map as a "portrait",Encourage and support students to apply what they learn and integrate knowledge and action;Around "talent",Quality Map as a "portrait",Help students accurately locate their own development coordinates,Define the goal direction of success,Finding the 'greatest Common Divisor' of digital growth。The key core of the "whole process" is to make full use of big data technology to analyze the growth of teacher-student interaction, conduct intelligent and accurate evaluation of students, strengthen the reform of teaching supply side, and improve the intelligent teaching ability with a specific target。

3. Focus on innovation and creation, and promote the digitalization of practical education

Innovation and creation is the vitality of higher education. By promoting digital transformation, we can better create convenient and efficient space for innovation and creation, and expand the new digital form of practical education。Create a new ecology of "double innovation" that is mission-led and character-shaping, create a "smart innovation space" that is interdisciplinary, task-driven and scenario-driven, promote the combination of students' innovation and entrepreneurship practice with major national needs, transform the advantages of university scientific research talents into students' innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities, and build an integrated innovation and entrepreneurship education system。

We will strengthen the integration of knowledge and action, apply what we have learned, and make innovation and entrepreneurship education more three-dimensional and intuitive。We will integrate innovation and entrepreneurship with the curriculum system, deepen the reform of research-oriented teaching, strengthen the ability of major projects, key platforms, and innovation teams, transform the innovation points of national major achievements and fruit trees into curriculum knowledge units and student ability sets, and build a talent training chain that integrates majors, courses, and platforms。With first-class scientists and first-class scientific research environment, Beijing Institute of Technology creates new scenarios for students' research-based learning, guides students' innovation and entrepreneurship practice, and promotes the cultivation of students' innovative thinking and ability development through the implementation of the teaching model reform of "MOOCs + discussion-style teaching + project-based defense" for professional core courses。

We will deepen the integration of science and education and the coordination between industry and education to make innovation and entrepreneurship education more accurate and efficient。Deepen the application of digital technology in innovation and entrepreneurship education, and create a cross-domain collaborative innovation space integrating production, learning and research online, so that the innovation is more real, more focused and more cutting-edge。Strengthen network collaboration, integrate traditional classrooms and wisdom classrooms with major scientific research platforms, practice teaching centers, and off-campus practice bases, and dynamically build an education consortium composed of different colleges, universities, research institutes, and enterprises。To promote fine seedling cultivation, students choose practical projects according to their professional fields, interests and development plans, and entrepreneurial mentors from the scientific research platform continue to follow up and guide, while providing experimental platform support for each student team。Create an immersive digital interactive space, promote large-scale online participation in innovation and entrepreneurship activities, build a visual database of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and make high-level innovation and entrepreneurship competitions "never end".。Taking the Challenge Cup as an opportunity, Beijing Institute of Technology created a large-scale immersive digital interactive space of "Challenge Cup · Metacomph", realizing the first large-scale application of metacomph technology in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship practice。

4. Focus on efficient governance and promote the digitalization of support and guarantee

Digitalization promotes the innovation of education, teaching and governance models, continuously deepening and expanding the integration of educational information and educational resources in space and time, so that governance can better meet the needs of digital transformation, and constantly improve the hard and soft capabilities supporting the development of digital transformation, so as to ensure the steady and long-term development of higher education digitalization。

Strengthen the governance foundation of digital transformation。We will fully implement the strategy for digitization of education,Through optimizing the information flow mode between and within the subjects of educational governance,Improving the efficiency of communication in the field of education;It focuses on the construction of digital infrastructure, the optimization of digital resource allocation process, the construction of digital innovation and skills training centers, and the guarantee of digital literacy and skills talents,Make up for the shortcomings of teaching resources;Enhance digital skills training,Improve the digital literacy of teachers and students,Improve the breadth and depth of digital education applications,Let digital teaching and learning technology and quality education resources move, use and live,Effectively serve the whole process of education and teaching,Transform the static potential energy of digital resources into a powerful kinetic energy of education reform。

Secure the red line of digital transformation。Every link of digitalization has hidden hidden dangers such as information security and ethical security, and it is necessary to make a good "first hand chess" of digital transformation security, strengthen the level of internal security, build a solid internal security base, and improve digital security protection capabilities。The digitalization of higher education is accelerating the creation of a diversified digital scene,Digital features around higher education,We also need to strengthen intelligent collaboration,Integrate security detection, protection, response and other technologies,Strengthen continuous adaptive detection and active defense,Protect sensitive technical information, personal information of teachers and students, etc,It provides full-chain, full-cycle and all-round security for the digital scene of higher education。

Enhance the soft power support for digital transformation。Comprehensively improve teachers' digital literacy,The standard of "Teachers' Digital Literacy" education industry,Rely on digital education teaching scene to strengthen professional training,We will carry out organized and designed intelligent education, teaching and research activities,Establish a digital literacy evaluation system for teachers,Take digital literacy as an important aspect of assessment and evaluation of professional titles,We should promote learning, application and excellence through evaluation,Improve teachers' ability level of digital teaching design, teaching implementation, academic evaluation and collaborative education,Make teachers' education and teaching more contemporary and innovative。It is necessary to strengthen the education and training of digital ethics and safety for teachers and students, improve the cultivation of digital ethics for teachers and students, improve the ethical norms of education and teaching in the digital environment, and continue to create a good new ecology of digital education。